Clone remote github repository.
#git clone
After modify files or folder commit your changes on github repository.
#git add filename
#git commit -a <-- Once you fire this command it will open nano editor to make note of this changes. Just write your note and save the file.
#git push <-- This command will upload all your changes to github repo.
To Receive changes from github Repo.
#git pull <-- This commnad will receive all changes from github repo to local repo.
#git clone
After modify files or folder commit your changes on github repository.
#git add filename
#git commit -a <-- Once you fire this command it will open nano editor to make note of this changes. Just write your note and save the file.
#git push <-- This command will upload all your changes to github repo.
To Receive changes from github Repo.
#git pull <-- This commnad will receive all changes from github repo to local repo.