How to Use Python ‘SimpleHTTPServer’ to Serve Files Instantly
first check is python available or not.
#python –V
If command return version means you have python installed.
Now reach to your source folder which you wants to serve via http to others. like below
#cd theitideas <---- folder
Then enter below command to start serve your source folder.
#python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Now you can able to view and download your folder items via http protocol with browser. eg. localhost:8000 or
first check is python available or not.
#python –V
If command return version means you have python installed.
Now reach to your source folder which you wants to serve via http to others. like below
#cd theitideas <---- folder
Then enter below command to start serve your source folder.
#python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Now you can able to view and download your folder items via http protocol with browser. eg. localhost:8000 or