1) Open the RDS web console.
2) Open the “Parameter Groups” tab.
3) Create a new Parameter Group. On the dialog, select the MySQL family compatible to your MySQL database version, give it a name and confirm.
4) Select the just created Parameter Group and issue “Edit Parameters”.
5) Look for the parameter ‘log_bin_trust_function_creators’ and set its value to ‘1’ Save the changes.
5) Open the “Instances” tab. Expand your MySQL instance and issue the “Instance Action” named “Modify”. Find Database Options and Select Newly created parameter Group.
6) Select the just created Parameter Group and enable “Apply Immediately”.
Click on “Continue” and confirm the changes.
7) Again, open the “Instances” tab. Expand your MySQL instance and issue the “Instance Action” named “Reboot”.
All Done in AWS RDS now.. Need to made some changes in MySQL DB Backup.
Open your .sql backup file in any editor and find "CREATE DEFINER" from all functions lines as below and Delete "DEFINER='user'@'localhost' " and Save the .sql file and Restore your backup.
e.g. Default
-- Functions
CREATE DEFINER=`user`@`localhost` FUNCTION `gettime`(`ts` DATETIME) RETURNS varchar(100) CHARSET latin1
e.g. After Remove
-- Functions
CREATE FUNCTION `gettime`(`ts` DATETIME) RETURNS varchar(100) CHARSET latin1
That’s all!
2) Open the “Parameter Groups” tab.
3) Create a new Parameter Group. On the dialog, select the MySQL family compatible to your MySQL database version, give it a name and confirm.
4) Select the just created Parameter Group and issue “Edit Parameters”.
5) Look for the parameter ‘log_bin_trust_function_creators’ and set its value to ‘1’ Save the changes.
5) Open the “Instances” tab. Expand your MySQL instance and issue the “Instance Action” named “Modify”. Find Database Options and Select Newly created parameter Group.
6) Select the just created Parameter Group and enable “Apply Immediately”.
Click on “Continue” and confirm the changes.
7) Again, open the “Instances” tab. Expand your MySQL instance and issue the “Instance Action” named “Reboot”.
All Done in AWS RDS now.. Need to made some changes in MySQL DB Backup.
Open your .sql backup file in any editor and find "CREATE DEFINER" from all functions lines as below and Delete "DEFINER='user'@'localhost' " and Save the .sql file and Restore your backup.
e.g. Default
-- Functions
CREATE DEFINER=`user`@`localhost` FUNCTION `gettime`(`ts` DATETIME) RETURNS varchar(100) CHARSET latin1
e.g. After Remove
-- Functions
CREATE FUNCTION `gettime`(`ts` DATETIME) RETURNS varchar(100) CHARSET latin1
That’s all!