First need to create access key from AWS Console Under Security Credentials, create AWS Access key ans Security key
Create file /etc/passwd-s3fs
#touch /etc/passwd-s3fs
Paste your Accesskeyid and Secret Access Key id in this file with below formet and save.
give apropriate right to this file.
#chmod 400 /etc/passwd-s3fs
#chown root:root /etc/passwd-s3fs
Installation of Fuse and S3FS.
#cd /opt
download fuse from source website:
untar the downloaded archive
#tar -xvzf fuse-2.9.3.tar.gz
#cd fuse-2.9.3
configure the script and install
#./configure --prefix=/usr
#make install
add the FUSE module to Ubuntu kernel
#modprobe fuse
to check if you have the latest version of FUSE installed, type
#pkg-config --modversion fuse
#cd /opt
Download s3fs with below command
untar the downloaded archive
#tar -xvzf s3fs-1.74.tar.gz
#cd s3fs-1.74
configure the script and install
#./configure --prefix=/usr
#make install
Open /etc/fuse.conf file to make small change.
#nano /etc/fuse.conf
Uncomment the line where it says #user_allow_other.
To uncomment, just remove the "#" before user_allow_other and save.
Create one Directory to mount S3 bucket.
#mkdir /s3dir
Open below file and add one file to mount permenantly.
#nano /etc/fstab
Add below line into fstab file and save.
s3fs#s3bucketname /s3dir fuse allow_other,use_cache=tmp 0 2
Run below command to apply changes on fstab file.
#mount -a
Check the disk with below command.
#df -h
Create file /etc/passwd-s3fs
#touch /etc/passwd-s3fs
Paste your Accesskeyid and Secret Access Key id in this file with below formet and save.
give apropriate right to this file.
#chmod 400 /etc/passwd-s3fs
#chown root:root /etc/passwd-s3fs
Installation of Fuse and S3FS.
#cd /opt
download fuse from source website:
untar the downloaded archive
#tar -xvzf fuse-2.9.3.tar.gz
#cd fuse-2.9.3
configure the script and install
#./configure --prefix=/usr
#make install
add the FUSE module to Ubuntu kernel
#modprobe fuse
to check if you have the latest version of FUSE installed, type
#pkg-config --modversion fuse
#cd /opt
Download s3fs with below command
untar the downloaded archive
#tar -xvzf s3fs-1.74.tar.gz
#cd s3fs-1.74
configure the script and install
#./configure --prefix=/usr
#make install
Open /etc/fuse.conf file to make small change.
#nano /etc/fuse.conf
Uncomment the line where it says #user_allow_other.
To uncomment, just remove the "#" before user_allow_other and save.
Create one Directory to mount S3 bucket.
#mkdir /s3dir
Open below file and add one file to mount permenantly.
#nano /etc/fstab
Add below line into fstab file and save.
s3fs#s3bucketname /s3dir fuse allow_other,use_cache=tmp 0 2
Run below command to apply changes on fstab file.
#mount -a
Check the disk with below command.
#df -h